User Guidelines

At DrGenius academy, we are dedicated to creating a favourable learning and teaching environment for our users, fostering interactions that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Considering the interactive nature of our platform, it is crucial to prevent any misuse that may detract from the exceptional user experience we aim to provide. Adhering to the guidelines outlined below is a key measure to ensure the platform's responsible use. If you, as a user, encounter content that you deem inappropriate, we have established mechanisms for reporting or flagging such content. However, we urge users to exercise discretion when using the reporting option and, in cases of uncertainty, consult the guidelines to make well-informed decisions.

Furthermore, these guidelines should be comprehensively reviewed alongside all other policies on the DrGenius academy platform, including, but not restricted to, our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Guidelines Regarding Prohibited Acts and Content:
1. Harmful or Dangerous Content:
  • At DrGenius academy, we prioritize creating a secure space for both learners and educators. Your assistance in maintaining this safety is crucial. To uphold this commitment, any content that encourages or endorses violence leading to physical or emotional harm or poses a threat to individuals' safety is strictly prohibited on the Platform.
  • Content referencing harmful or dangerous acts solely for educational purposes is permitted.
  • The sale and promotion of any regulated or illegal goods are not allowed. The Platform should only be used for purposes outlined in the Terms and Conditions.
2. Hateful Content:
  • Recognizing the importance of exchanging ideas and opinions in the learning process, we acknowledge individuals' right to express their views. However, we do not endorse or tolerate hate speech.
  • Hate speech, defined as content whose primary purpose is to incite hatred against specific individuals or groups based on factors such as race, ethnic origin, country, caste, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity, is strictly prohibited.
3. Violent and Graphic Content: 

DrGenius academy, being an educational platform, exclusively permits content with an educational focus. Any content that is violent or graphic is strictly prohibited. References to violent or graphic situations are acceptable only when serving educational purposes. Content designed to sensationalize, shock, or disturb individuals is not allowed. Additionally, DrGenius academy strictly prohibits any content related to terrorism, including the promotion of terrorist acts or incitement to violence.

4. Harassment and Bullying: 

As the DrGenius academy platform is utilized by numerous users daily, maintaining a respectful and kind environment is paramount. Harassment and bullying in any form, such as abusive videos, comments, messages, revealing personal information, or uploading content to humiliate someone, including sexual harassment or bullying, are strictly not tolerated. Our aim is to uphold a safe space for learning, and users are encouraged to report any instances of harassment.

5. Spam: 

Engaging in the posting of untargeted, unwanted, and repetitive content with the intention to spam the platform or redirect traffic to third-party sites is a direct violation of our Terms and Conditions. Posting links to external websites containing malware or other prohibited content is strictly prohibited. The use of any automated system that exceeds human capacity in sending requests to DrGenius academy’s servers is also prohibited, with exceptions outlined in our Terms and Conditions for public search engines.

6. Misleading Metadata: 

The misuse of title, description, tags, thumbnail, bios, and other metadata features on the platform is strictly forbidden. Using these features to deceive or circumvent our search algorithms is not allowed.

7. Scams:

Uploading or posting content with the intent to trick others for personal financial gain is strictly prohibited. DrGenius academy does not tolerate any practices of extortion or blackmail.

8. Copyright: 

For information on proprietary rights related to User Content and DrGenius academy Content, please refer to our copyright policy provided in our Terms and Conditions.

9. Privacy Violation: 

Please consult our Privacy Policy provided here to understand how to safeguard your privacy and respect the privacy of fellow users. If you suspect a violation of your privacy, where a user has knowingly or unknowingly disclosed any information on the platform, we encourage you to reach out to the user directly. If direct communication is not feasible, please feel free to contact us at any time, and we will take the necessary steps to remove the content promptly.

10. Impersonation: 

Impersonating another person is strictly prohibited on the DrGenius academy Platform. In this context, impersonation involves the intentional act of causing confusion regarding the real identity of a person by pretending to be them. This includes using names, images, documents, certificates, etc., that do not belong to you or are not used to identify you. Pretending to represent a company, institute, group, etc., by utilizing their logo, brand name, or any distinguishing mark also constitutes impersonation and may lead to potential trademark infringement.

11. Interaction with DrGenius academy: 

Within DrGenius academy offices, we prioritize a culture of respect and maintain a healthy, supportive work environment. We believe in hands-on interaction with our users to assist them in navigating the platform and deriving maximum benefit. If you find yourself interacting with any person from DrGenius academy, we request that you maintain the same decorum as you would while using the platform. We discourage any communication with DrGenius academy employees or staff that is hateful, abusive, or sexually suggestive in any manner.

Reporting Mechanisms:

Our platform provides reporting tools to flag content that you believe violates any prohibited acts, infringes on intellectual property rights, or constitutes spam. The reporting option is accessible for both videos and comments. We encourage users to ensure certainty regarding the issue before making a report, discouraging false complaints or allegations. For additional support, you can reach out to us at To maintain a safe learning space, we recommend utilizing the in-built reporting tools at your disposal.

Tips on Do’s & Don’ts: Here are a few tips from us on how to use the platform in a safe manner:

A. Ensuring Personal and Account Security:
1. Protect Your Login Credentials:
  • Safeguard your login details, refraining from sharing your password or ID with anyone.
2. Create a Robust Password:
  • Generate a strong password to enhance account security:
  • Ensure a minimum length of eight characters.
  • Combine numbers and letters, avoiding common words.
  • Incorporate special characters.
  • Utilize a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Avoid reusing passwords associated with other accounts.
3. Logout from All Devices:
  • Regularly log out from all devices to maintain the security of your login credentials.
4. Register with a Phone Number:
  • Use your phone number during registration to have a backup in case you forget your login details.
5. Exercise Caution with Personal Information:
  • Refrain from disclosing personal information online to ensure your safety.
  • Avoid meeting individuals in person whom you have conversed with online, as it poses potential safety risks.
6. Age Verification:
  • If you are under 18 years old and wish to use the platform, have a parent or guardian create an account on your behalf.
  • Individuals below the age of 18 are not permitted to have individual accounts without parental or guardian consent.
B. Reporting and Intellectual Property:
1. Misleading Content:
  • If your profile or video content creates confusion about its ownership or falsely implies endorsement or sponsorship, it may infringe on someone else's trademark. Complaints or reports supported by relevant evidence may lead to content removal.
2. Trademark and Copyright Infringement:
  • Trademark or copyright owners can report infringement. While DrGenius academy cannot mediate disputes, we may remove genuinely infringing content and issue a warning. Parties are encouraged to resolve disputes directly before reporting.
3. Inappropriate Content:
  • Report any content violating guidelines or deemed inappropriate.
4. Privacy Violation:
  • Report videos violating privacy, ensuring identifiable information prompts action per our strict privacy policy.
5. Harassment Reporting:
C. Responsible Content Posting:
1. Accuracy and Ownership:
  • Ensure correctness and originality when posting videos or lessons. Content should not belong to a third party.
2. Privacy Protection:
  • Avoid disclosing personal information, respecting our Privacy Policy.
3. Personal Responsibility:
  • Users are personally accountable for their actions. Ensure posted content, including comments, does not offend any group or individual, avoiding harassment or bullying.
पिछ्ला सुधार: शनिवार, 1 जून 2024, 1:34 PM