Senior Teacher (1st Grade)

1. Each question has five options marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You have to darken only one circle (bubble) indicating the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. 1/3 Part of them mark(s) of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. A wrong answer means an incorrect answer or more than one answers for any question.

4. It is mandatory to fill one option for each question.

5. If you are not attempting a question then you have to darken the circle '5'. If none of the five circles is darkened, one third (1/3) part of the marks of question shall be deducted.

6. After solving question paper, candidate must ascertain that he/she has darkened one of the circles (bubbles) for each of the questions. Extra time of 10 minutes beyond scheduled time, is provided for this.

7. A candidate who has not darkened any of the five circles in more than 10% questions shall be disqualified.

8. It will be necessary for the candidates to ensure compliance with the detailed instructions mentioned on the e-Admit

9. During the examination, it will be necessary to take the exam keeping in mind the instructions given in the Question Paper/OMR Sheet (Answer Sheet). If the candidate does not follow the instructions, then the candidate himself will be responsible for any kind of mistake/error in the Question Paper/OMR Sheet.

10. If the candidate does not necessarily follow the instructions given by the centre superintendent / officer or employee appointed by the commission / does any kind of unfair behavior at the examination center and uses / consumes unfair means in the examination, then the Commission / Centre Superintendent can take all actions against the candidate as it deems fit and action will be taken against the candidate by the Commission as per the rules as per Rajasthan Public Examination (Measures to Prevent Unfair Means in Recruitment) Act, 2022. 

11. If there is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of printing or factual nature, then out of Hindi and English Version
of the question, the English Version will be treated as Standard.

12. Mobile phone or any other electronic gadget in the examination hall is strictly prohibited. A candidate found with any of such objectionable material with him/her will be strictly dealt as per rules.

Warning: If a candidate is found copying or if any unauthorized material is found in his/ her possession, F.I.R. would be lodged against him/her in the Police Station and he/she would liable to be prosecuted under Rajasthan Public Examination (Measures for Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Act, 2022, other law applicable and Commission’s Regulations. Commission may also debar him/her permanently from all future examinations.

Paper - I General Awareness and General Studies
Subjects :
1. History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.

2. Mental ability Test, Statistics (Secondary Level), Mathematics (Seconadary level), Language Ability Test :
Hindi, English.

3. Current affairs.

4. General Science, Indian Polity, Geography of Rajasthan.

5. Educational Psychology, Educational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajastha, Right of Children to free and compulsory Education Act, 2009.

Note :
1. The question paper will carry maximum 150 marks.

2. Duration of question paper will be 01 Hours 30 Minutes.

3. The question paper will carry 75 questions of multiple choices.

4. All the questions in both the Papers shallbe Multiple Choice Type questions.

5. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one third of them marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.

Paper -II Subject Concerned Duration : 3 Hours
Subjects :

1. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : Senior Secondary Level

2. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : Graduation Level

3. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : Post Graduation Level

4. Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning.

Note :
1. The examination shall carry 300 marks.

2. Duration of Paper II shall be Three hours.

3. The question paper will carry 150 questions of multiple choices.

4. All the questions in both the Papers shallbe Multiple Choice Type questions.

5. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer one-thired of the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.

Explanation : Wrong answer shall meam an incorrect answer or multiple answers.
6. The minimum qualifying marks for each paper shall be 40%. Provided that the percentage fixed as above shall be relaxed by 5% for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
Ex-servicemen and specially abled persons will be given relaxation/concession in minimum qualifying marks as per the provisions of Rajasthan Civil Services (Absorption of Ex-Servicemen) Rules, 1988 and Rajasthan Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2018.


1. History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National Movement

  • Freedom Struggle of 1857
  • Prominent Leaders of National Movement
  • Social and Religious Renaissance
  • Ancient Culture & Civilization of Rajasthan- Kalibangan, Ahar, Ganeshwar, Bairath.
  • History of Rajasthan from 8th to 18th Century
  • History of Freedom Struggle in Rajasthan
  • Integration of Rajasthan
  • Society and Religion

2. Mental Ability Test:

  • Statistics (Secondary Level):
  • Mathematics (Secondary Level):
  • Mensuration:

3. Language Ability Test:

  • Hindi
  • General English:

4. Current Affairs:
5. General Science:
6. Indian Polity:
7. Geography of Rajasthan:
8. Educational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajasthan, Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009

  • Educational Management:
  • Educational Scenario in Rajasthan
  • Provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.


1. Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary Level
2. Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation Level
3. Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation Level
4. Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning.

Last modified: Saturday, 8 March 2025, 10:29 PM